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9 Coaching Skills Every Great Coach Must Have

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Coaching skills or Qualities of a Good Coach

Every coach need to develop essential coaching skills. The difference between an average coach and a great coach is that the former supports their client in achieving specific goals or solutions, while the latter supports their client in change processes and personal development.

Some coaching skills are the result of natural abilities, while others can be learned.

Any individual interested in becoming a coach should acquire the abilities discussed in this article.

Coaching skills or Qualities of a Great Coach

What qualities do you need in order to be not just a good coach, but a great coach? Those interested in this profession should have the following coaching skills:

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9 Coaching Skills Every Good Coach Must Have

1) Acknowledge

Acknowledge what your client is saying and respond positively to the things that are true, demonstrating your empathy towards their experiences.

2) Paraphrase

Reiterate what you hear your client say. This takes a bit of interpretation and a bunch of intuition.

3) Ask the “duh” questions

Engage your client in having a detailed discussion about the obvious elements of their situation. A clearer understanding benefits both parties.

4) Look at the big picture

It is necessary to step back from the situation in order to see the larger picture. Everything happens within a particular context.

5) Identify the ideal

By talking about the ultimate goals, we outline what success looks like—what the situation entails, the emotions that stem from the success, and the ultimate outcomes.

6) Clarify

It is important to keep the conversation going and always spell out what you hear the client saying. You need to be on the same page the whole time.

7) Define the process and your role

Keep in mind that this process is for the client; make sure you clarify your role as a coach and help keep the session focused.

8) Explore strategies

Suggest multiple ways of handling a situation. Make sure you engage the client in the discussion and be open to thinking outside of the box. Unconventional is often innovative.

9) Listen and Reflect

Never stop reiterating what you hear your client say. Engaged listening is all about being attuned to what your client not only says, but what they feel. You are a translator. Also, take the time to refocus the discussion.

Coaching leaders are delighted to see their clients accomplish what they set out to do. That is why, they do not underestimate these individual and their capabilities. Instead, they strive to help them grow in their abilities.

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About the Author

Potoru’s team of dedicated staff writers is committed to providing you with information and insights that empower your business. We provide content on reputation management, customer engagement, and the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing. Our mission is to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to boost your local business’s online visibility. Contact us if you need help getting more traffic, leads, sales, and customers.

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