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What Is WordPress? A Beginner’s Guide

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What is WordPress? WordPress is the simplest way to create your own website or blog. It doesn’t take much time to unleash the power of WordPress. WordPress helps you create your own website or blog with no coding skills. It has become the most popular means of creating website. It powers 1-in-4 of all websites on the Internet. That about 43.0% of the websites on the internet. That’s an incredible popularity of WordPress.

WordPress is an open-source content management system that anyone can use or modify for free. WordPress stores your website’s content, displays what you assign it to, and has plugins that extend the capabilities of the platform. It allows those without any programming knowledge to manage various aspects of their site, saving them from reliance on external service providers. You don’t need to know how to code in order to build a website with this tool.

What Kind Of Websites Can You Create With WordPress?

WordPress started off as a tool to create blog post in the early 2000’s, but it quickly grew in popularity for much more. However, nowadays, you can use WordPress to build anything from a blog to an online store. By changing the WordPress core code to include features specific for your needs, you are able to create any type of website with it. With features like customizable templates, automatic updates to plugins, and impressive SEO abilities, there is no wonder why WordPress is so prevalent on this globe.

With WordPress you can create pretty much any website, such as:

  • Blog websites
  • Business websites
  • Personal websites
  • eCommerce stores
  • social network websites
  • Forum websites
  • Portfolio websites
  • Membership websites
  • Resume websites

Understand WordPress.org vs WordPress.com – What Is The Difference?

What is WordPress - Meet WordPress.org website home page


WordPress.org, also called self-hosted WordPress, is a free, open-source WordPress software that you can install on your own web host to create a website. Hosting companies sometimes offer a hosted version of WordPress that comes preinstalled on a blogging website. The free WordPress.org software can be installed on your own web host to create a website that is 100% yours. There are also companies such as Kinsta that specializes in offering managed WordPress hosting services you can try for free.


WordPress.com is a paid platform that is powered by WordPress.org software that can be great for content hosting and ease of use, but you lose much of the flexibility and customization options.

WordPress owns the largest market share of any content management systems. Much of this can be attributed to its self-hosting WordPress.org software that offers total ownership to users. This is why, most of the time, the self-hosted WordPress option at WordPress.org is what most people talk about when they say “WordPress”.

As a self-hosted, blog publishing tool, all you will need to get started with WordPress is to purchase web hosting and a domain name to use WordPress. There are many managed WordPress hosting provides such as Kinsta that you can choose from.

Reade this article on “Top 9 Reasons to Choose Managed WordPress Hosting“.

Kinsta is an exceptional hosting service for WordPress websites. It includes ease-of-use, powerful hosting features, and intuitive security. Check out their WordPress hosting plans.

Learn About The History Of WordPress And Who Made It

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) and blog publishing software built for the web. It can be installed on a web server, and uses PHP and MySQL to publish blogs. WordPress began as an idea back in 2003 with the goal of creating friendly content.

Originally, it was just an offshoot of b2/cafelog, but since has grown into its own self-sufficient project. This open source software has continued to evolve with improved versions coming out more often than not, moving past a basic blog into a full on content management system.

As more people contribute to WordPress, it has more features and updates. WordPress’ original creators, Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little initially built this product, but it is now led by a community of contributors. Matt Mullenweg became the face of WordPress. Automattic, the company that created WordPress.com, was also founded by Matt Mullenweg.

Click here to read more on the history of WordPress.

Prominent Websites That Uses WordPress

WordPress is a great and easy to use blogging platform for anyone! It is used by individuals, big businesses, and everyone in between. Of course, we use WordPress and the site you’re looking at right now is run on WordPress. Here are some well-known and not so well-known entities that use WordPress:

What are the reasons to use WordPress?

WordPress is the leading platform for blogging, with over 43.0% of all websites using it. It powers well-known entities like the White House and Microsoft, but it is accessible to anyone that wishes to create a blog.

WordPress is a user-friendly website design platform that can be used to create any type of website including blogs, business websites, or personal websites. Here are some of the reasons why WordPress is awesome:

The WordPress Software Is Open Source Software And It Is Free

One of the biggest benefits of WordPress is that it’s free, open-source software. This is a free software for website creation with immense customization. 9 out of 10 free blogs on the web are built with WordPress which leads to 18 billion impressions a month from WordPress installed websites alone. You will never have to pay just for access to WordPress software, but be prepared for purchasing hosting; competitors like Squarespace charge per year or month.

Once you have your new WordPress site, you can access a myriad of plugins and themes- no need to be a coder.

WordPress Is Expandable

The WordPress ecosystem features thousands of plugins and themes. These plugins and themes can allow you to accomplish any tasks that you may need. With WordPress, you have the choice of over 50,000 free plugins and 5,000 free themes to customize WordPress. WordPress platform presents bloggers with an online workplace to help them produce quality content. The platform provides tools, tutorials, plugins, and themes that range from free options to premium additions for those who want more advanced features.

WordPress Can Be Easily Installed

You can easily install WordPress manually. However, with most web hosts offering preinstalled WordPress with their offerings, installing is easier than ever. You can have a site up and running to suit your needs in no time. No need to understand WordPress as it is as easy as clicking a few buttons. With WordPress, you don’t need to know how the software works.

Flexibility Of WordPress

WordPress is a free, templated based CMS that provides you with everything needed to create your website. With WordPress, you can easily start building your site without any coding knowledge needed. WordPress is perfect for any type of website. Easily create any type of website with different design, navigation, publication date, and more. Want to turn your WordPress site into a forum or social network? You can find a plugin for that!

WordPress has many benefits. It’s easy to use, flexible, and you can create any type of website. With WordPress your website can grow with you.

Want to learn how to effectively manage one or multiple WordPress websites? Click here to download The Guide to Manage 40+ WordPress Site from Kinsta.

In Conclusion: What Is WordPress? It Is Best CMS Open Source Software To Build A Website

We have discuss some important details regarding what WordPress is and why it’s important for your website.

WordPress is one of the most popular ways to build a quality website. You can build a blog, ecommerce store, educational website, event website and more using this platform. It’s capable of nearly endless customization.

In most cases you will need the self-hosted WordPress. Self-hosted WordPress.org can provide you with full ownership, access to community support, and much more.

About the Author

Potoru’s team of dedicated staff writers is committed to providing you with information and insights that empower your business. We provide content on reputation management, customer engagement, and the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing. Our mission is to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to boost your local business’s online visibility. Contact us if you need help getting more traffic, leads, sales, and customers.

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